Delingpole: Lockdown Equivalent Every Two Years to Save Planet, Claim ‘Experts’
Carbon dioxide emissions need to fall by the equivalent of a lockdown every two years to save the planet, climate scientists have claimed.
Carbon dioxide emissions need to fall by the equivalent of a lockdown every two years to save the planet, climate scientists have claimed.
Britain has suffered its biggest economic collapse in over three hundred years — since the Great Frost of 1709 when the Thames froze over.
But the IEA is spinning it as a bad thing: a sign that we are not doing enough to cut our ‘carbon’ emissions.
“Then they came in with a pair of scissors and said that if I didn’t cooperate they would cut my clothes and forcibly remove them from me.”
The Royal Family is about dignity, mystique and discretion — which is how it has survived into the 21st century. So what, exactly, is this?
A govt minister redecorating his study takes on special importance when you mix in a former pub landlord and £30 million of taxpayer’s money.
A High Court judge has ruled that Health Secretary Matt Hancock acted unlawfully in failing to publish multi-billion-pound COVID-19 government contracts within the 30-day period required by law.
A street in Wales has been put on the naughty step by the Welsh government because of its supposed historical associations with the slave trade. But the man after whom it is named was in fact one of Britain’s most ardent and heroic anti-slavers.
Climategate was a conspiracy by ‘fossil-fuel-industry front groups, paid attack dogs, & conservative media outlets,’ claims Michael ‘Hockey Stick’ Mann in his latest potboiler The New Climate War.
Boris Johnson’s Net Zero policies are driving up energy bills by £10 billion a year and hitting the poor hardest, according to the GWPF.
“There are loads of people who think it isn’t worth going on. And it’s about time some bloody Secretaries of State understood this!”
Mark Carney, the Canadian climate activist who was formerly governor of the Bank of England and an anti-Brexit campaigner, has claimed that climate deaths ‘will be worse than Covid.’
Just when you thought Coronafascism had reached peak insanity along comes another politician yelling ‘hold my beer!’.
‘Green jobs’ in the German renewables sector have collapsed by 50 per cent in less than a decade. No prizes for guessing where they’ve gone…
There is no “climate emergency”, according to a study for the Global Warming Policy Foundation by independent scientist Dr Indur Goklany.
Time has published an explainer piece offering a fascinating insight into how the presidential election was won. It’s titled “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign that Saved the 2020 Election.”
One day we are going to survey the wreck of this country to ask: ‘When did I vote for this eco-fascist crap?’ The answer is that you didn’t.
Through absolutely no fault of his own, Captain Tom became an instrument of state propaganda.
A single tweet criticising a politically correct court decision has cost a London barrister his career.
President Joe Biden’s Green New Deal is an ‘impossible clusterf***.’ You probably knew this already but below are the raw details.
The Davos agenda is a remote elite which doesn’t give a damn for ordinary folk. We are many; they are few – and therein lies our only hope.
Fake news propaganda of dying walruses allegedly ‘killed by climate change’ reduced the Davos elite to tears.
The World Economic Forum wants you to know that there is nothing sinister about its masterplan — The Great Reset — for a New World Order.
The UK govt’s recent ‘look him in the eyes’ coronavirus poster campaign has been described as ’emotionally manipulative propaganda’…
UK Home Secretary Priti Patel is now claiming she will get tough on the woke hate speech laws left over from the Tony Blair era.
Sir Roger Scruton would have supported Britain’s endless lockdowns, Michael Gove has implausibly claimed.
Glasto has been cancelled for the second year running because of Chinese Coronavirus. I find myself torn between despair and Schadenfreude.
UK PM Boris Johnson is not a conservative, but he certainly is a blithering idiot.
The 1776 Report is a thing of such beauty, dignity, and scholarship that it makes me wish I were American.
China’s coal output has risen to its highest since 2015 – in contradiction of its claims that it is trying to reduce fossil fuel usage.
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