Joe Walsh: GOP Voters ‘Sick’ and ‘Tired’ of Trump and His Lies

Former Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) took aim Thursday on CNN’s “New Day” at President Donald Trump, who he is trying to unseat in 2020 as the GOP presidential nominee, slamming the president for not being honest and creating a “war on Thanksgiving.”

According to Walsh, Republican voters also “don’t approve” of Trump’s actions with Ukraine in which he has been accused of demanding a quid pro quo to get dirt on former Vice President Joe Biden. He also said Republicans are “sick” and “tired” of Trump.

“I think Trump’s support is soft,” Walsh declared. “I’ve been in New Hampshire a bunch. I’ve been in Iowa a bunch. I’ve been in a number of states. And obviously, because I’m challenging trump in the Republican primary, I’m talking to Republican voters. And I got to tell you, John, they’re tired of him. They’re sick of his b.s., they’re sick of his lies. Trump stood in front of his voters this week and made up a war on Thanksgiving. We have a President of the United States … who literally just makes shit up.”

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