President Joe Biden is prioritizing illegal aliens and foreigners above Americans for available jobs, said Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) on Thursday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.
Marlow asked about Democrats’ ongoing push for amnesty and citizenship for millions of illegal aliens.
Cotton replied, “Talk about putting Americans last and foreigners first. Just look at what happened when Joe Biden left the inauguration yesterday. He went back to the Oval Office [and] he signed executive orders that would end construction of the border wall, that would end the Remain-in-Mexico policy, and that would reinstate work permits for illegal aliens under President Obama’s DACA program. Every one of those is designed to weaken immigration enforcement and to put illegal aliens — and foreigners who aren’t even in the country yet — at the head of the line for jobs that Americans need when ten million Americans are still out of work.”
Cotton added, “It just shows how obsessive the Democrats are about admitting more foreigners into our country at a time when we still have millions of people who are out of work and we face a global pandemic.”
Biden’s ceasing of border wall construction and ending of the Trump administration’s “Remain in Mexico” policy is an incentive for migration across the southern border, Cotton said.
Cotton remarked, “When you stop construction of the border wall and you stop the very successful Remain in Mexico policy … you are simply asking for a surge of migrants at our border.”
“Joe Biden’s proposals during his campaign already encouraged the migrant caravan we’ve seen and we’re going to see more of that in the days ahead,” Cotton continued. “That will be wildly unpopular, in particular at a time when so many people are still out of work.”
Cotton remarked on public health concerns regarding the coronavirus in the context of a migrant caravan from Central America approaching the U.S.
“We have no idea if the people coming to the border and claiming asylum are carrying coronavirus with them, potentially one of the new and more contagious variants of the coronavirus,” Cotton warned. “So this is going to be a big fight. Fortunately, we have the most important power in American politics on our side: We have public opinion on our side.”
Breitbart News Daily broadcasts live on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.
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