Bay Area

Google Would Love to Be Your Landlord

Tech giant Google is being criticized for what many are calling an attempt to create a modern company town, where Google itself owns the majority of houses and businesses.

Google train

Wild Turkeys Ravage San Francisco Bay Area

Wild turkeys, initially introduced to the Bay Area in the 1980s for hunting, are reportedly destroying Marin County and the Bay Area by defecating everywhere, pecking away at homes and their roofs, and tearing up lawns.

wild turkey (Flickr)

Bay Area Residents Seek Exodus to Sacramento

Soaring living costs throughout California over the past several years have pushed Bay Area residents to relocate to one of the last affordable cities in the Golden State: Sacramento, California’s inland capital.

Sacramento River (Pacific Southwest Region USFWS / Flickr / CC / Cropped)

BART Sued over Urine- and Feces-Covered Elevators

Two advocacy groups and two individuals with disabilities filed a lawsuit in federal court in San Francisco on Wednesday alleging that BART has discriminated against people with disabilities by failing to maintain the transportation agency’s urine and feces-covered elevators.

BART train (Joel Pollak / Breitbart News)

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